

My name is

Tiana Lau

I build things for web!

About Me

Hi my name is Tiana Lau, a Front End Developer, with a passion for crafting innovative solutions. I thrive in creating seamless and user-friendly applications that make a meaningful impact.

Work Experience

- Xi'an Jiaotong University - Research Assistant (Dec 2022 – Aug 2023)

  • Led UX design for the Web3 Pearl NFT platform with Axure RP, collaborating with UI designers, developers to create seamless product.
  • Architected and developed the front-end using TypeScript, ReactJS(Redux Toolkit, Webpack), NextJS, integrating Ant Design for a polished UI.
  • Integrated Apache ECharts for dynamic line charts, enabling real-time tracking of NFT transactions and price histories.
  • Experienced in designing and integrating RESTful APIs, developing and maintaining server-side applications using Node.js and Express.js, with MongoDB as the database.

- DaHua - Frontend Developer (Apr 2020 – Dec 2022)

  • Developed and implemented projects leveraging ReactJS, VueJS, Ant Design and SCSS based on completed UI designs.
  • Utilized WebSocket to receive real-time alert notifications from the server.
  • Integrated REST API interactions using Ajax to ensure smooth and effective communication between front-end and back-end systems.
  • Configured CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins, automating the testing and deployment of front-end projects
  • Added unit tests for React components using Jest and backend controllers, business layer using JUnit
  • Collaborated closely with testers to identify and resolve troubleshooting issues, improving overall software quality.

Position of Responsibility

- Team Leader - Xi'an Jiaotong University 2023 (Dec 2022)

  Led the team to successfully release the first beta version.

- Software Engineer - DaHua (Jun 2020)

  Efficiently completed development and self-testing.

My Tech Stack

Technologies I've been working with currently

ts-1 ts-1 ts-1 ts-1 ts-1 ts-1 ts-2 ts-3 ts-4 ts-5 ts-7 ts-8

My Projects

Things I've built so far

Project 1

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Get in Touch

I'd love to hear from you!
